Basic Association Technique To Help Remember Things Much Better!

There are Techniques we may already know and used but we didn't give a name to them and continue to use them to remember. It's like we know A for Apple B for Book and so on. It helps us remember the alphabet well but we didn't apply it to other terms we want to remember.

So let's make the best out of the technique that could help us.

What is Basic Association Technique?

In short, it is a way we associate something we want to remember with other things or terms. Maybe you are like me hearing the technique to remember things but we never care about that. We knew it will help but we didn't bother to care about it. But since I start to care about it I feel it's fun and it helps a lot!

Sample from Jim Kwik's example

I started to follow and watch his video and here is a sample of the Basic Association Technique:

Firstly, Let's try to remember 10 words read them and look away and try to write them down in order.

1. Sun
2. Socks
3. Traffic Light 
4. Car
5. Star
6. Soda
7. Rainbow
8. Octopus
9. Cat
10. Toes

Okay without looking at the text can you remember the 10 words in order?

Now let's apply the Basic Association Technique to the 10 words:

1. Sun: There is only 1 Sun. The Sun is at the top so it's number 1
2. Socks: Thing of a pair of socks it's 2 socks
3. Traffic Light: There are 3 colors in the Traffic Light
4. Car: 4 wheels car
5. Star: 5 points of a star shape
6. Soda: this is random and a good point to prove. let's think of six cans of sodas imagine it.
7. Rainbow: Yes to get it. There are 7 colors of the rainbow
8. Octopus: 8 appendages of an octopus
9. Cat: Let's think of a cat with 9 lives 
10. Toes: 99% of us have ten toes

Okay now, let's grab a piece of paper and a pen and write down what you remember. 

Congratulation if remember the 10 words better it's good progress to prove we should think smarter and don't limit or underestimate the power of our brain.

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